Finding Lost Events in Azure Application Insights

One of the ways we use Azure Application Insights is tracking custom application-specific events. For instance, every time a data point from an IoT device comes in, we log an AppInsights event. Then we are able to aggregate the data and plot charts to derive trends and detect possible anomalies.

And recently we found such anomaly, which looked like this:

Amount of Events on Dashboard Chart

This is a chart from our Azure dashboard, which shows the total amount of events of specific type received per day.

The first two “hills” are two weeks, so we can clearly see that we get more events on business days compared to weekends.

But then something happened on May 20: we started getting much less events, and the hill pattern disappeared, days looks much more alike.

We haven’t noticed any other problems in the system, but the trend looked quite bothering. Are we loosing data?

I headed towards Analytics console of Application Insights to dig deeper. Here is the query that reproduces the problem:

| where name == "EventXReceived"
| where timestamp >= ago(22d)
| project PointCount = todouble(customMeasurements["EventXReceived_Count"]), timestamp
| summarize EventXReceived = sum(PointCount) by bin(timestamp, 1d)
| render timechart

and I got the same chart as before:

Trend on Application Insights Analytics

I checked the history of our source code repository and deployments and I figured out that we upgraded the version of Application Insights SDK from version 2.1 to version 2.3.

My guess at this point was that Application Insights started sampling our data instead of sending all events to the server. After reading Sampling in Application Insights article, I came up with the following query to see the sampling rate:

| where name == "EventXReceived"
| where timestamp >= ago(22d)
| summarize 100/avg(itemCount) by bin(timestamp, 1d) 
| render areachart 

and the result is self-explanatory:

Sampling Rate

Clearly, the sampling rate dropped from 100% down to about 30% right when the anomaly started. The sampling-adjusted query (note itemCount multiplication)

| where name == "EventXReceived"
| where timestamp >= ago(22d)
| project PointCount = todouble(customMeasurements["EventXReceived_Count"]) * itemCount, timestamp
| summarize EventXReceived = sum(PointCount) by bin(timestamp, 1d)
| render timechart

puts us back to the point when results make sense:

Adjusted Trend on Application Insights Analytics

The third week’s Thursday was bank holiday in several European countries, so we got a drop there.

Should Azure dashboard items take sampling into account - to avoid confusing people and to show more useful charts?

Cloud developer and researcher.
Software engineer at Pulumi. Microsoft Azure MVP.

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