I'm currently taking on freelance work. I can add some traction to your most important development project, do code and architecture reviews, help to bootstrap a proof-of-concept, or share my expertise otherwise.
You can find me on the following channels
I'm a serverless fanboy. I worked with Azure Functions, AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and more. The majority of my blogs and talks are about serverless. I help organize ServerlessDays Amsterdam event. The future is serverless.
Microsoft Azure
I'm a Microsoft Azure MVP (Most Valuable Professional). This means I know some Azure and I actively share that knowledge with the community. I focus on Functions, App Service, Messaging, Cosmos DB, SQL Database, Storage, and more.
Infrastructure as Code
Cloud platforms offer amazing capabilities for application developers. Managing infrastructure as code is a vital skill in today's cloud-first world. Pulumi, Terraform, ARM templates, Azure Pipelines—I love all of these and will help you get started too.
Functional Programming
I believe Functional Programming is a very efficient and pragmatic way to create software. F# is my language of choice. If you happen to use functional languages, let's talk! Otherwise, still be prepared that I'll sneak some FP into your mind at some point.
Other Buzz Words
Netherlands or remote
My origin is St.Petersburg, Russia, but I live in Eindhoven area in the south Netherlands. You can hire me onsite if you are somewhat nearby. Otherwise, remote is a great option and I have enough experience to make it productive.
Guest posting
Enjoying my blog? Want to promote your own site by posting quality content? We can probably team up! Let's talk to align our goals.
Like this site? Want to spread the word about your service or product? Become a sponsor! Your product must be relevant to my target audience.