Resource Group

Azure Resource Group is a container for resources that are deployed together. Every Azure resource must be assigned to a resource group.

During this hands-on lab, we will create a single Resource Group and a single ARM Template. All resources defined in the template will be deployed to this Resource Group.

Is a Resource Group a part of an ARM Template?

The original concept of ARM Templates suggests deploying a template into a pre-existing Resource Group. This way, a Resource Group is not defined inside the template but is created separately and before the first deployment.

Later on, Microsoft introduced a way to deploy a Resource Group as a part of the template, enabling a single deployment to target multiple Resource Groups. Nonetheless, this stays an advanced topic, and we will avoid subscription-level deployments in this workshop.

Create a Resource Group

We are going to create a blank Resource Group and use it as a target of all deployments of this workshop. You only need two parameters for the new Resource Group:

  • Name—think of a name that would be easy to remember and type, e.g., arm-workshop. The name has to be unique within your subscription.
  • Location—pick the nearest Azure region; for me, it’s westeurope.

Now, execute the command to create the Resource Group:

$ az group create --name arm-workshop --location westeurope --output table

The --output table parameter switches the output to a more concise human-readable format. Here is the result you should see:

Location    Name
----------  -----------------
westeurope  arm-workshop


Make sure that your Resource Group was created successfully:

$ az group exists -g arm-workshop

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