Custom Code

Up until now, you haven’t touched the application code: you deployed the provided zip file. Let’s see how to start changing it.

Download the code

Download the file Create an app folder inside your Pulumi’s working directory. Extract the contents of the zip file directly to the app folder.

The folder contents should look like this now:

app                                  <-- extracted zip
app/host.json                        <-- Functions host configuration
app/hello                            <-- 'hello' function
app/hello/function.json              <-- 'hello' bindings
app/hello/index.js                   <-- 'hello' JavaScript code
...other Pulumi and npm files

Modify the function code

Navigate to app/hello folder and edit the code in the index.js file. For example, change the body assignment to

    body: "This is my code running in a Function App!",

Point Archive App to the local code

Change the ArchiveFunctionApp definition to point it to the local app folder with FileArchive helper:

const archiveApp = new azure.appservice.ArchiveFunctionApp("archive-app", {
    archive: new pulumi.asset.FileArchive("./app"),

export const archiveEndpoint = pulumi.interpolate`${archiveApp.endpoint}hello`;

ArchiveFunctionApp would zip the folder at deployment time, upload it to Blob Storage, and point the Function App to this archive.

Redeploy the program with pulumi up and check the endpoint of the archiveApp.


Send an HTTP request to the archiveEndpoint and make sure it returns the new greeting.

If you have any difficulties, compare your code with this sample.

Next Step