Storage Account

Before we can deploy a serverless application, we need to create a Storage Account. Every Azure Functions application requires a Storage Account for its internal needs.

Add a Storage Account resource

Copy-and-paste the following snippet to your index.ts file:

const storageAccount = new"storage", {
    accountReplicationType: "LRS",
    accountTier: "Standard",

It defines a locally-redundant standard Storage Account, and it is a part of the Resource Group that we defined before.

This time, we haven’t defined an explicit physical name for the resource. That’s because each Storage Account gets a subdomain of, therefore the name has to be globally unique across all Azure subscriptions worldwide. Instead of inventing such a name, we can trust Pulumi to generate one.

Also, we haven’t defined an explicit location for the Storage Account. By default, Pulumi inherits the location from the Resource Group. You can always override it with location property if needed.

Run pulumi up to apply the changes.


List the resources in your Resource Group with the command below:

$ az resource list -g pulumi-workshop -o table

Name             ResourceGroup    Location    Type
---------------  ---------------  ----------  ---------------------------------
storage93f87a31  pulumi-workshop  westus      Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts

Observe the randomized name of your newly created Storage Account.

If you have any difficulties, compare your code with this sample.

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