Function App

Finally, it’s time to create the main component of our serverless application: the Function App. Define it with the following template:

resource "azurerm_function_app" "app" {
  name                      = <TODO: a globally-unique string. Note that it will be a part of your app's URL>
  location                  = <TODO: set to rg's location>
  resource_group_name       = <TODO: set to rg's name>
  app_service_plan_id       = <TODO: set to asp's id>
  storage_connection_string = <TODO: set to sa's primary_connection_string>
  version                   = "~2"

Fill in the TODO blocks as the hint suggests. Once done, try deploying the definition file and make sure it succeeds.

Application settings

The deployment may succeed, but the application isn’t ready yet. It’s missing several application settings. Add a block app_settings inside the Function App resource:

resource "azurerm_function_app" "app" {
  app_settings = {

The top two settings configure the app to run on Node.js v10 runtime.

The bottom one deploys the code to the Function App. This setting tells the app to load the specified zip file, extract the code from it, discover the functions, and run them. I’ve prepared this zip file for you to get started faster, you can find its code here. The code contains a single HTTP-triggered Azure Function.

You don’t need to configure application settings related to Azure Storage connections explicitly: the storage_connection_string property takes care of this.


Make the URL of the following shape: https://<your function app name> Send an HTTP request to the endpoint either via a browser or with a curl command:

$ curl
You've successfully deployed a Function App!

Congratulations! You have deployed the complete infrastructure to run a Function App.

If you have any difficulties, compare your code with this sample.

Next Step