This post lays out the most exciting part of the bot. I'll compose the recognition, flow, decision and mouse clicking parts together into the bot application. The application is a console executable interacting with multiple windows of poker room software.
My exploration of Actor model started with Akka.NET framework - a .NET port of JVM-based Akka. Actor programming model made a lot of sense to me, but once I started playing with it, some questions arose.
Akka.NET and Service Fabric are the two actor frameworks that emerged in .NET world in the last year. The two implementations of actor models are quite different. These differences are multi-faceted but today I want to focus on API to define an actor and to communicate to it.
At the recent Webscale Architecture meetup we discussed two implementations of the Actor model in the .NET ecosystem: Akka.NET and Azure Service Fabric Actors. One important discussion was around Ask vs Tell call model.